Sunday, December 29, 2013

Review: General's MultiPastel Pastel Pencils

REVIEW: General's MultiPastel Pastel Pencils

 I got some cash for Christmas and decided to purchase a couple art supplies. One thing I picked up was General's MultiPastel Pastel Pencils #4400-12A. I guess there are multiple sets you can buy with different colours, but this one worked for me. I really enjoyed that this product was in a pencil casing, as the chalk/charcoal/graphite I use sometimes really dries out my hands.

The colours included were Black, White, Lt. Flesh, Pink, Scarlet Red, Violet, Indigo Blue, Autumn Gold (looks orange to me...), Canary Yellow, Grass Green, Van Dyke Brown and Dk. Grey. The Dk. Grey was really nice to use as it was only a step darker than the grey paper I was using, and it worked well as an under-sketch that disappeared quite easily under the colours. It also worked nicely as a light, transparent veil of shadow.

 My first chalk pastel drawing - My Hand in 1 Hour, 9x12 inches. C. Fralic 2013

I noticed that the darker colours like Violet, Grass Green and Indigo Blue weren't very transparent and even when I treaded lightly they came out quite opaque. I think this is because the colours were intended for illustrations like on the cover of the package, which featured a sketchy bowl of fruit with sort of garish colouring.

I think it could be a very effective full set for colouring the way I like to if the dark Indigo Blue was replaced with a paler blue. The pencils blended quite softly so I kind of made my own colours to replace the ones I felt I needed. In the way they blend and carry such a soft edge they are really superior to pencil crayon in my opinion. I also like how they don't carry a shiny reflection as I've had issues scanning/photographing my previous pencil work.

Anyways, I really liked this product but I would say the single 12 pack I got doesn't cut it for me and my grey paper. I would love to see some really pale colours to define the skin a little more... especially a pale blue and/or purple. Even the pink was quite intense.

I would totally recommend this product to anyone looking to try chalk pastel. It's not super expensive, and it looks and is used a lot like a pencil. Chalk pastel sticks can often feel a bit clumsy and it can be difficult to find a sharp edge to get those fine details with... these come in pencil form so their precise nature is just like pencil, not to mention they come with a sharpener.

I wouldn't recommend these for gestural drawing or anything where you have to cover a lot of ground with flat colour.

Blah blah!


Friday, December 27, 2013

Buenos tardes

I guess this is me, trying all this out.

Expect more soon.

 : )